Managing multiple debt payments and paying off credit cards, personal loans and overdue bills can be challenging. If you’re looking to save money and simplify your finances, debt consolidation is an option worth considering.Learn
Whether you’re dealing with high interest rates or juggling a few different repayments, debt consolidation could help you get your financial house in order. Here’s how it works:
In Canada, the best options for a debt consolidation loan typically require a good to excellent credit score. However, the truth is that lenders can work with all types of borrowers and credit histories. You just have to know where to look.
Mapping Your Financial Future: Consolidation Loan Strategies for Canadians
A broker, like Loans Canada, matches borrowers with lenders who are open to financing them. Its online application takes less than 10 minutes to complete, and starting rates are as low as 6.99%. It’s BBB-accredited and welcomes borrowers with fair, poor, and bad credit.
An unsecured lender, like Spring Financial or Lendful, offers debt consolidation loans for Canadians who want to lower their interest rate and simplify their budget. Its unsecured personal loans have terms up to five years and can be used for debt repayment, home renovations and emergencies.
A P2P lender, like goPeer or Peerform, brings together people who are seeking a debt consolidation loan with investors who are interested in earning a return on their investment. This model has become increasingly popular in the Canadian marketplace, and it offers an alternative to traditional banks and credit unions.