First Trimester Insomnia

Insomnia can plague women at all stages of life, but for many, pregnancy brings sleepless nights long before there’s a baby in the picture. Morning sickness, discomfort like back pain or gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD), frequent urination and a growing belly all contribute to a less-than-stellar night of rest.

first trimester insomnia is caused by rapid changes in reproductive hormone levels. During this time, progesterone increases the amount of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and decreases the amount of rapid eye movements (REM).2 In animal studies, progesterone has also been shown to induce sedation, shorten NREM latency and increase duration of NREM sleep.3

Counting Sheep in the First Trimester: A Closer Look at Pregnancy-Induced Insomnia

The good news is, most women in their first trimester tend to get the most sleep of any stage of pregnancy, but this doesn’t mean that they always have a great night’s sleep. In fact, sleep troubles in the first trimester are more common than later in pregnancy.

If you’re waking up at night, try to stay in bed for a while before getting up. This will help you get back to sleep. And remember, it’s best to drink lots of fluids during the day but try not to drink any up to a few hours before bedtime. It’s also important to empty your bladder before you go to bed. Frequent urination at night can disturb your sleep, so make sure to empty your bladder before you go to bed.